Friday, November 25, 2016

Day 7: November 24, 2016 - Thanksgiving Day

I am thankful for many things in and about my life, but the most important thing is my family.  That my wife and I both still have our parents is a huge blessing, especially her Dad Fritz is in his early 90's and survived the Pacific Theater in WWII.

I thought it appropriate to post an image of my family, thanks to the self-timer on the Sony RX100V.  Even the little tiny fill flash made all the difference in the shade of the woods at my office where we made the shot.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Day 6: November 23, 2016

Today is another hard work day where I just edit video, but right outside the door, and oasis of sorts awaits me as I take short breaks to drink hot tea and rest my buns from sitting too much.  My current office space acts often as more of a retreat center for me than just a place to work.  I've worked hard as a shooter all my life but thank God I began years ago to invest in properties like this one that I was able to purchase when the market was down.

Fall in East Tennessee is always impressive, even when we have a drought as now.  The leaves are about 70% down in my neck of the woods but a few more days of cold and a little wind, and the trees will be bare once again.  The thing I have always loved about living here is the summer is the longest season of the year, followed by Spring and Fall, and the Winter is short.  We get a few snows and a good ice storm every 4-5 years, but really I can ride my motorcycle about 10 months of the year pretty comfortably.

#sonyalpha #rx100V #rx1005

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Day 5: November 22, 2016

The Little Red Cactus in my Kitchen
OK, so tonight I was desperate.  I edited photographs all day long and never left the house, soooooo....  I remembered that I was supposed to make a photograph with the Sony RX100V just a few minutes ago.  And a good thing it was, too.  I'd hate to have lapsed without even a week under my belt!

I've never been the type f photographer (or photo weenie) that talks about BOKEH, but the out of focus areas of this tiny Zeiss lens really make stuff look cool when you are really close to things.  The front element of the lens was maybe 3" away from this little guy.  It didn't bite me, btw.

#sonyalpha #rx100IV #rx1005

Monday, November 21, 2016

Day 4: November 21, 2016

I have a busy day ahead with multiple video editing jobs so I thought I better shoot something this morning as I'll be staring at two big monitors most of the day.  I walked out into my back yard today with a junk mail envelope with some scribbling on the back side.  There are three quotes written on it, all from my cousin Deirdre Murphy, who is a legit artist, rather than my feeble attempts that take fractions of a second to produce.  Deirdre is a painter and does amazing work.  Here is the quote I chose to arm myself with as I passed through the sliding door to the wild and great unknown of our back yard:

"The moment we stop growing as painters, it's kind of over.  The exploration is done."
                            -    Deirdre Murphy

handles of the meat grabbers on our grill in the back yard :)

I really like that statement.  Two years ago this Spring, I heard a great photographer say literally the same thing:  "I keep hearing that photojournalism is dead.  It's not dead until we stop making pictures."

And so I forge ahead with my little camera, making pictures...  #sonyalpha  #RX100V

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Day 3: November 20, 2016

I don't usually make photographs in church, but then again, I usually don't have a camera with me either.  This morning at Mass, Miss Madeline sat next to us.  The was the one time she wasn't making eyes at my wife, who adores her.  As they say, the best camera is the one you have on you...  #sonyalpha #RX100V

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Day 2: November 19, 2016

A friend of mine had a joyful and yet solemn celebration of life today for his mother who died of pancreatic cancer.  As I left the event, I was struck at the awesome colors of fall under a dark grey sky.  It was a photo that seemed to capture the quiet, sad beauty of the celebration.

She was Jewish and though she found Christ in her search for God, she never replaced one faith with another.  She had simply discovered "Jeshua," or what mainline Christians call the Messiah, and so her Christian anthropology was informed by her Judaism.  It made for a powerful mix as was evidenced in the many people that spoke of her in such glowing terms, and of the healthy envy they felt as they pondered her deep faith in God.  The family left her bible on a table for people to look at as she underlined and scribbled when certain verses, concepts, and new discoveries delighted her.

Carrying even a mirrorless system into that room might have seemed strange to attendees.  My tiny box was so small and harmless looking that no one paid me any mind.  I'll have to remember this as I often am called to document funerals for family members that cannot attend due to military service or financial issues.  Day two gone now... what will tomorrow bring?  #sonyalpha  #rx100V

Day 1: November 18, 2016

  I got my little tiny box with a little tiny camera (Sony RX100V) inside today.  I ripped it open and put a battery & card inside and took off to pick up my son from school.  First, we had a little time to k
ill and since it was too early for dinner, I took him to have his first ever malted milk shake:

Next, we went to see the new Harry Potter movie that doesn't have Harry Potter in it.  I guess J.K. is still interested in making a few pounds sterling even though she swears she won't write anymore about Harry.  We will see...

After the movie let out, my son was having fun with a few friends of his from his class at school:
And so ended my first day of "a photo a day" with the RX100V.  It's fitting, I think, that my son will appear in many of my images for the next 364 days because when you have a camera attached to your belt all the time, things happen with kids.  I'm looking forward to it :)  #sonyalpha

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